Thursday, October 20, 2011

Third Year Sunset

Tonight was the last night of classes for my third year. In a few short weeks finals will be over and the books closed on another adventurous year of law school. For those wondering, I now have one year left.

The beginning of third year started in a tumultuous time in my life. I wasn't sure how I'd handle the stress of finding a new job with new upper level law classes. This year of school was filled with juggling 3 finals in one week, a few hilarious professors, applying legal knowledge in moot court, and learning to swallow my pride and carry from a professor who flat-out graded my final exam wrong. 

It was, in summary, a valuable life experience. I can't help but look back on all that I went through in 2011 so far as I prepare for finals. To include each and every memorable event of 2011 would consume months worth of blog posts.

I'm blessed to say that the end of my third year has a seemingly much brighter outlook than it's beginning. I have a wonderful job in a wonderful legal environment (a rarity). But before this, I struggled with hopelessness for six months while I was unemployed. I owe much to my wife, mother, and father, who all shared the emotional struggles I underwent and encouraged me to rise above my situation and press forward.

So it's with gratitude and much thankfulness that I sit here, with one year of law school left. Now I'm waiting for the "Holy crap I might actually graduate law school!" moment to arrive. Thanks for reading, 
