Saturday, March 19, 2011

Interviews and Green Things

Phone interviews, in person interviews, follow up calls and emails. These things have pretty much consumed what little free time I do have. As of today, I have a very good prospective job opportunity with a well-known book publisher in their legal department.

On a much more opposite end of the spectrum was an interview with a personal injury firm for a paralegal position. I left the interview with no clue as to how I did. LOL. I'll let you know if they call me back for a second interview.

Yesterday I was at Fulin's when Mr. Wing (an immortal part of Fulin's and arguably the funniest server I ever met) shows me an article regarding the decline in law school applications. One of many reasons for the decline, they hypothesized, was that law students don't see as many large firm jobs with $150,000+ starting salaries any more.

I'm not naive. I went into law school knowing that lawyers, specifically very good lawyers, are paid handsomely for their services. But in that moment I kinda had a "zoom out" moment where I considered the rest of my life. Here I am, 27 years young, graduating in December of 2012 into a career that I know I'm called to.

Yes, there will be a good amount of money to make. I actually thought about it a lot my first year. But as I've developed my knowledge of the law over the past three years, my focus has shifted from money.

Sadly, there are people who simply "pass" law school with nothing but dollar signs in their eyes. That's where I appreciate having a true life example such as my father, who though his work has shown me time and time again that it's about serving your clients.

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