Saturday, April 12, 2014

Playing the cards

Our senior paralegal is fond of saying, "We can only play the cards were dealt". It is such an appropriate analogy for not only legal work but every business.

There's not a lot I can do about a doctor who puts in a damning diagnosis or findings against my client. I have little wiggle room with a client who has a recent rash of criminal history that involves dishonesty when it comes to whether a jury is allowed vs not allowed to hear about it.

The dream client in any business arena is rare, so don't waste your time constantly looking for them. I've seen two or three out of several hundred.

Maybe your client filed bankruptcy or has a low credit score if you are a realtor. Perhaps your client failed to file years worth of taxes if you're a CPA.

Don't let your search for the perfect client get in the way of why you chose your career in the first place: to serve people no matter the circumstances. By no means does that mean you serve everyone who knocks. I don't take un-winnable cases as a lawyer for a Plaintiff. But for those people that you can help, go the extra mile and fully play the cards you're dealt.

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