Friday, May 20, 2011

Life Update

I've strayed away from talking about my personal life in recent months. Intentionally.

Words cannot describe what's being going on emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. I've lost count how many jobs I've applied for, maybe 50-60. I'm emotionally exhausted at this point.

I was looking forward to this week. I was excited about a possible position with a law firm that was opening up. The interview was not what I expected. The job that was opening was not what I expected. If there's anything I've learned this week, it's to go in with literally no expectations. I tend to set high expectations, which sets me up for some pretty hard falls in the form of reality checks.

I'm still waiting on a job I interviewed for almost 3 months ago. 3 months! 90 days! It seems like it's been an eternity. This is the job you could say I'm believing for. It's a dream job. I'm simply waiting for it to materialize. And waiting.

Another good prospect opened up this week. It will be a while before I hear back on it, though.

I'm past the 4 month mark in my search of a new full-time job.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy.

I wait tables with as many shifts I can pick up a week. I still ship guitars for Mark's Guitar Stuff, thanks Joel!

My dad has also been giving me a TON of legal work to do. These three jobs combined practically make up a full-time job.

I've completely forgotten my BMI days where I worked my 40 hours and enjoyed the weekend. I have no set schedule, everything is beautifully chaotic.

My bills are getting paid, my fridge is full, my family is safe. Not much more I can ask for at this point, except for that job!

I hope the words of a close friend ring true when they told me they felt that this transition period I've been going through will end soon.

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