Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Waiting

I'm now at the point where I'm anxious to start school again. I'm sick of having too much free time, it makes me feel unproductive. It sounds ridiculous to say something like that, but I have to constantly be doing something.

But the three months off have allowed me to see some great developmental moments in my daughter, Violet's life. For example, she can mimic alot of simple verbal phrases, which makes for some hilarious moments. She can now walk periodically, although she's best motivated by walking to a stuffed animal or a place in the house where she knows she can cause trouble.

This break has also been great because it broke down my routine. At the end of last year I was the epitome of a cog in a machine. Eat. Work. Study. School. Sleep. It's been a nice vacation from Study and School.

When I was gearing up for my second year at this time last year I was nervous and worried. Would I be able to hash through these classes? Could I repeat the success I had somehow stumbled upon during my first year?

This year is different. I feel ready. It's not arrogance, but confidence. I have a game plan. I know how to best prepare in a way that suits my style of studying. I spent last year honing my studying abilities I had discovered as a first year student.

Thinking about third year, my mindset is "another year to put in the books". This is far from the "Holy crap I hope I make it!" desperation I felt last year.

I'm excited to take more specialized classes and not so much of the core essentials that law students have grown to despise. My father spends a great deal of his practice on wills and estate planning, and I'm excited I finally get to learn the nuts and bolts of this area of law.

I'm a little nervous about moot court, mostly because I'm unfamimiar with how it will work. To be honest, I'm a little intimidated at the thought of presenting a make-believe case to a real-life judge. I'm sure that experience will produce a nice blog post or three.

One month to go until classes start. I have to remind myself to enjoy this time off. But that's hard to do when you just want to be done with school and start doing this thing in real life.

Bye for now!

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