Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Big Boy Pants

By the time a law student reaches their third year, they're expected to know a few things. Being called on to brief a case the first night of class shouldn't come as a surprise, as it did for one of my close friends last night.

The professors know that you know the drill, and they're more than happy to jump in feet first and blast off within the first 10 minutes of the first class

Third year looks like it will be pretty action packed. I've got mountains of work to do, and I'll admit I thrive on the challenge of getting it all done every week.

I don't think it will be as much of a mental challenge as it will be a time management challenge this year. That's not to say the coursework is easy, which in law school it never is. It's just that now we're learning mostly niche areas of law, a kind of fine-tuning for lawyering if you will.

It feels good to be back in the groove and sweating it out again. I got my big boy pants on again...

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