Monday, March 28, 2011

The Big Picture

Since January, I've struggled with what my next move should be. I tested the waters, threw my hat in the ring, only to have it instantly tossed back. At first I was defensive, associating the rejection with an assessment of my self worth. Then self-pity began to set in. Poor me. Then I decided early on that was not how my situation would be overcome. I would soldier on with my head held high.

It's been 2 1/2 months and I finally understand it. The people that I've been connected to were the answer. I don't believe in disposable relationships. Even if a professional relationship seems to end, I don't end the personal relationship.

Unexpected things are happening. Great things. I know I'm being vague but I promise as the next few weeks progress I'll reveal as much as I can. God is bringing things together in a better way that I ever could.

I have spent hundreds of hours over the past few months trying to figure out how the mortgage would be paid next month, or how I would be able to feed my family. All the while, no bills were behind and plenty of money was in the bank.

We made a decision not to use credit cards anymore 3 years ago, and we haven't had to borrow a cent during the past few months. While we were previously frugal with our money, we haven't had to make any additional sacrifices. I can't explain this other than God's provision.

As hard as it is to explain, I'm glad we went through the experience. While I had the head knowledge that God was our provider, it somehow didn't connect with my heart. It does now.

In the years to come, in the big picture, this will be but a speed bump.

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