Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spinning Plates

Perhaps the image of a circus performer spinning plates best illustrates my life right now.

Plate 1: Job hunting. It's going well with a few solid leads that have a great chance of turning into a job opportunity very soon. Hopefully this will solidify into a new job in the next few weeks.

Plate 2: Law school. Holy, holy, holy %$#. If second year was boring and hard, third year is busy, busy and more busy. Endless cases every week, but I can't complain. The material is relevant and interesting. I'm liking third year so far.

Plate 3: Current job. Serving people food 30 hours a week isn't hard. It's just humbling. I keep having to fight the feeling than I'm better than this job. I'm not above any job, but I know I have skills that far exceed what I'm currently doing. Overall, I feel blessed to have some stream of income coming in right now.

Plate 4: Husband. Heather and I joined a marriage small group at church. It amazes and embarrasses me at how many couples we've seen in church for years yet never talked to. That is changing and we're meeting new people and loving it.

Plate 5: Father. Violet is amazing, smart, and beautiful. The standards that gentlemen callers will be held to will be high. Very high.

No more plates please, except for that new job, I'll take that one any day.

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